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Gao Xingjian: Soul Mountain

Der Nobelpreistraeger schreibt ueber die Ethnie der Miao.

"The young men are even less inhibited and come right up to the women to choose the one they like best, as if they are choosing a piece of fruit. At this point the women move their handkerchiefs and fans, and the more they are examined the more feeling they put in their singing. When a conversation starts, the young man takes the woman's hand and they walk off together. (...) I am suddenly surrounded by an expanse of passions and think that the human search for love must originally have been like this. So-called civilization in later ages separated sexual impulses from love and created the concepts of status, wealth, religion, ethics and cultural responsibility. Such is the stupidity of human beings."

"I turn and see four or five girls on the slope all singing to me. One again calls out in a clear voice 'older brother'. (...) She is still a child, her face hasn't lost that childish look - the high forehead, upturned nose, small mouth. If I give the slightest sign I know she will come away with me, snuggle up ... But this tension is unbearable ... I've never encountered this style of love. It is what I dream about but when it actually happens I can't cope."


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Falscher "Shaolin-Mönch" aufgeflogen

Den aktuellen Artikel zu Shi Heng Yi (Tien Sy Vuong) findet Ihr hier.    Am Samstag, den 19.03.2011, ist in der Süddeutschen Zeitung ein größerer Artikel über den Fake-Abt (Shi Heng Zong alias Monroe Coulombe) des "Shaolin Temple Europe" erschienen - Seite 11: "Der Shaolin-Schwindel". Wir hatten bereits im Januar 2010 das Thema aufgegriffen. (Dank an Heino für den Tipp.) Hier alle autorisierten  Shaolin in Deutschland  (Shi Heng Yis "Tempel" in Otterberg ist NICHT dabei!): Shaolin Zentrum Ilmkreis e.V. – Amt-Wachsenburg Shaolin Kultur Verein e.V. – Berlin Shaolin Tempel Deutschland – Berlin Shaolin Kung Fu Zentrum Düsseldorf Deutschland – Düsseldorf Shaolin Zentrum Frankfurt – Frankfurt Shaolin Xiu Kulturzentrum Deutschland – Grevenbreuch Kung Fu Akademie Kaiserslautern – Kaiserslautern. Shaolin Kung Fu Schule Yan Po – Köln Shaolinzentrum Deutschland – Schorndorf (Stand: März 2024) ***

The poser Shi Heng Yi alias Tien Sy Vuong / Der Blender Shi Heng Yi vom Shaolin Tempel Europe

Hier alle autorisierten  Shaolin in Deutschland (Shi Heng Yis "Tempel" in Otterberg ist NICHT dabei!): Shaolin Zentrum Ilmkreis e.V. – Amt-Wachsenburg Shaolin Kultur Verein e.V. – Berlin Shaolin Tempel Deutschland – Berlin Shaolin Kung Fu Zentrum Düsseldorf Deutschland – Düsseldorf Shaolin Zentrum Frankfurt – Frankfurt Shaolin Xiu Kulturzentrum Deutschland – Grevenbreuch Kung Fu Akademie Kaiserslautern – Kaiserslautern. Shaolin Kung Fu Schule Yan Po – Köln Shaolinzentrum Deutschland – Schorndorf *** (English version first, translated with DeepL - zunächst auf Englisch, unten auf Deutsch) Since last year, I have been improvising a series of YouTube posts that deal with a certain "Shi Heng Yi". You can find the playlist here . Back in 2011, I took a critical look at the "Shaolin Temple Europe" (later the newspaper SZ reported on it). The "Shaolin Temple Europe GmbH " of the same name is now headed by Shi Heng Yi, who is said to have a business de...

Fragen an einen Lehrer: Zenforum International

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