In den vergangenen Wochen sind einige Sexskandale hochgespielt worden, in der Sache zwar zurecht, jedoch mit unlauteren Mitteln. Das erinnert an die hier schon besprochenen Fälle von Shimano und Sasaki. Wie besonders in den USA üblich (wo mal wieder die New York Times eine treibende Kraft bei der Aufdeckung war), wurden einige hervorragende Künstler/Schauspieler sofort regelrecht kaltgestellt, ohne dass sie verurteilt oder im Einzelfall auch nur angezeigt worden wären. Ich werde in Kürze noch meinen bereits verfassten längeren Beitrag zu dieser #metoo-Debatte freischalten. Dem Fass den Boden schlug jedoch das Verhalten gegenüber einem meiner Lieblingskomiker Louis C.K. aus, denn ich bin gerade NETFLIX-Abonennt und freute mich auf seinen dort angekündigten Standup in 2018 (HBO ist übrigens keinen Deut besser, aber das empfange ich hier wegen Geoblocking nicht). Heute ging ich darum erbost in einen Live-Chat bei Netflix, dessen Protokoll mir eigentlich zugehen sollte. Man verwies mich an die PR-Abteilung, ich bringe deshalb hier meine an diese verfasste Email. Ich denke, dass bei der gegenwärtigen Hysterie und der dahinter stehenden Sexualprüderie (so vor erwachsenen Frauen zu masturbieren ist unanständig, geschmacklos und plump, aber auch bedauernswert und mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit für diese Frauen nicht so destruktiv wie das, was man nun mit dem Masturbierer macht - und ich wäge das nicht gegen sein Gehalt ab) nun also ein Boykott dieser TV-Sender angebracht ist, denen es an Loyalität mangelt, nicht aber an Heuchelei - denn die alten Serien und Comedy-Specials der Genannten bleiben ja in deren kostenpflichtigem Programm.
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
as Germans we often see things a bit different, esp. when it comes to sex scandals. What NETFLIX does is prejudgement to me (and some of our lawyers, as we could recently see on TV). I understand that any event in the near future with Louis C.K. and Kevin Spacey, to name those two, has to be cancelled out of respect for the accusers. On the other hand, there are no convictions. And as you keep their old work available, I detect some hypocrisy. I acknowledge that Louis C.K. decided to retreat - but I'm not sure if your decision to cancel his 2018 stand-up came only after that. In any case, I am sure he would fill a hall and his fans would like to see another show.
I tell you what people like me may do and are capable of. Take Ridley Scott. I was a film student myself once, and he one of my favorite directors. His cutting out Spacey of his latest movie means that I will not attend/pay any screening of his movies anymore. I'm done with Scott. Because he could have stood up for the victims while not "deleting" Spacey at the same time. Therefore I'd like to know what you think about loyalty? I might also once and for all forget about NETFLIX or even call for a boycott.
Why are you so damned overreacting to a guy masturbating in front of adult women? Do you really think that the way you shatter Louis' life now is comparable to the way he shattered theirs? Should I just say: Oh, Louis and Kevin, they made so much money, they don't have to work anymore anyway?
Leave punishment to the courts and do what you are supposed to do - inspire creative work. Known perpetrators are watched carefully on the sets, they'll have their punishment even when you let them do their job.
Guido Keller
Frankfurt, Germany"
"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
as Germans we often see things a bit different, esp. when it comes to sex scandals. What NETFLIX does is prejudgement to me (and some of our lawyers, as we could recently see on TV). I understand that any event in the near future with Louis C.K. and Kevin Spacey, to name those two, has to be cancelled out of respect for the accusers. On the other hand, there are no convictions. And as you keep their old work available, I detect some hypocrisy. I acknowledge that Louis C.K. decided to retreat - but I'm not sure if your decision to cancel his 2018 stand-up came only after that. In any case, I am sure he would fill a hall and his fans would like to see another show.
I tell you what people like me may do and are capable of. Take Ridley Scott. I was a film student myself once, and he one of my favorite directors. His cutting out Spacey of his latest movie means that I will not attend/pay any screening of his movies anymore. I'm done with Scott. Because he could have stood up for the victims while not "deleting" Spacey at the same time. Therefore I'd like to know what you think about loyalty? I might also once and for all forget about NETFLIX or even call for a boycott.
Why are you so damned overreacting to a guy masturbating in front of adult women? Do you really think that the way you shatter Louis' life now is comparable to the way he shattered theirs? Should I just say: Oh, Louis and Kevin, they made so much money, they don't have to work anymore anyway?
Leave punishment to the courts and do what you are supposed to do - inspire creative work. Known perpetrators are watched carefully on the sets, they'll have their punishment even when you let them do their job.
Guido Keller
Frankfurt, Germany"
In der (US)Film-Branche geht es nun mal um IMAGE,SKANDALE,GELD,MACHT UND GIER.
AntwortenLöschenFrauen die von Männern zu.............gezwungen werden, ist eine Jahrhundert altes Thema.
Frauen die sich von Männern bzw.derer Machtmissbrauch dafür ausnützen lassen müssen, um um Arbeit zu bekommen oder eben auch Erfolgreich zu werden, haben vielleicht durch diese an den Tag kommenden Übergriffe die Chance, ohne die herkömmlichen Untertrückungen zu erfahren, an ihr Wunsch-Ziel zu gelangen.